function getTimePercentages() {
const now = new Date();
const currentHour = now.getHours();
const currentMinute = now.getMinutes();
const currentSecond = now.getSeconds();
// Calculate the remaining minutes in the hour
const remainingMinutes = currentMinute;
const hourPercentage = (currentHour / 24) * 100;
const hour12Percentage = ((currentHour % 12) / 12) * 100;
const minutePercentage = (currentMinute / 60) * 100;
const secondPercentage = (currentSecond / 60) * 100;
// Calculate the percentage of minutes left in the hour
const minutesLeftPercentage = (remainingMinutes / 60) * 100;
return {
hour: hourPercentage,
hour12: hour12Percentage,
minute: minutePercentage,
minutes: minutesLeftPercentage,
second: secondPercentage
function setTime() {
let p = getTimePercentages();
let hoursLeftPerc = p.hour * 0.01 * 86400;
let hours12LeftPerc = p.hour12 * 0.01 * 3600;
let minsLeftPerc = p.minute * 0.01 * 60;
let minutesLeftPerc = p.minutes * 0.01 * 3600;
let secsLeftPerc = p.second * 0.01;
let cols = ["#5F7DE4", "#89A7F0", "#B3D1C6", "#DDFB9C", "#F4D66F", "#3553BA"];
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