const units = {
Celcius: "°C",
Fahrenheit: "°F" };
const config = {
minTemp: -20,
maxTemp: 50,
unit: "Celcius" };
// Change min and max temperature values
const tempValueInputs = document.querySelectorAll("input[type='text']");
tempValueInputs.forEach(input => {
input.addEventListener("change", event => {
const newValue = event.target.value;
if (isNaN(newValue)) {
return input.value = config[input.id];
} else {
config[input.id] = input.value;
range[input.id.slice(0, 3)] = config[input.id]; // Update range
return setTemperature(); // Update temperature
// Switch unit of temperature
const unitP = document.getElementById("unit");
unitP.addEventListener("click", () => {
config.unit = config.unit === "Celcius" ? "Fahrenheit" : "摄氏度";
unitP.innerHTML = config.unit + ' ' + units[config.unit];
return setTemperature();
// Change temperature
const range = document.querySelector("input[type='range']");
const temperature = document.getElementById("temperature");
function setTemperature() {
temperature.style.height = (range.value - config.minTemp) / (config.maxTemp - config.minTemp) * 100 + "%";
temperature.dataset.value = range.value + units[config.unit];
range.addEventListener("input", setTemperature);
setTimeout(setTemperature, 1000);
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