var container = $('.container');
var card = $('#card');
var innerSVG = Snap('#inner');
var outerSVG = Snap('#outer');
var backSVG = Snap('#back');
var summary = $('#summary');
var date = $('#date');
var weatherContainer1 = Snap.select('#layer1');
var weatherContainer2 = Snap.select('#layer2');
var weatherContainer3 = Snap.select('#layer3');
var innerRainHolder1 = weatherContainer1.group();
var innerRainHolder2 = weatherContainer2.group();
var innerRainHolder3 = weatherContainer3.group();
var innerLeafHolder = weatherContainer1.group();
var innerSnowHolder = weatherContainer1.group();
var innerLightningHolder = weatherContainer1.group();
var leafMask = outerSVG.rect();
var leaf = Snap.select('#leaf');
var sun = Snap.select('#sun');
var sunburst = Snap.select('#sunburst');
var outerSplashHolder = outerSVG.group();
var outerLeafHolder = outerSVG.group();
var outerSnowHolder = outerSVG.group();
var lightningTimeout;
// Set mask for leaf holder
'clip-path': leafMask
// create sizes object, we update this later
var sizes = {
container: {width: 0, height: 0},
card: {width: 0, height: 0}
// grab cloud groups
var clouds = [
{group: Snap.select('#cloud1')},
{group: Snap.select('#cloud2')},
{group: Snap.select('#cloud3')}
// set weather types 鈽侊笍 馃尙 馃導 鉀?鈽€锔?
var weather = [
{ type: 'snow', name: 'Snow'},
{ type: 'wind', name: 'Windy'},
{ type: 'rain', name: 'Rain'},
{ type: 'thunder', name: 'Storms'},
{ type: 'sun', name: 'Sunny'}
// 馃洜 app settings
// in an object so the values can be animated in tweenmax
var settings = {
windSpeed: 2,
rainCount: 0,
leafCount: 0,
snowCount: 0,
cloudHeight: 100,
cloudSpace: 30,
cloudArch: 50,
renewCheck: 10,
splashBounce: 80
var tickCount = 0;
var rain = [];
var leafs = [];
var snow = [];
// 鈿?initialize app
// 馃憗 watch for window resize
// 馃弮 start animations
function init()
// 馃柋 bind weather menu buttons
for(var i = 0; i < weather.length; i++)
var w = weather[i];
var b = $('#button-' + w.type);
w.button = b;
b.bind('click', w, changeWeather);
// 鈽侊笍 draw clouds
for(var i = 0; i < clouds.length; i++)
clouds[i].offset = Math.random() * sizes.card.width;
drawCloud(clouds[i], i);
// 鈽€锔?set initial weather
TweenMax.set(sunburst.node, {opacity: 0})
function onResize()
// 馃搹 grab window and card sizes
sizes.container.width = container.width();
sizes.container.height = container.height();
sizes.card.width = card.width();
sizes.card.height = card.height();
sizes.card.offset = card.offset();
// 馃搻 update svg sizes
width: sizes.card.width,
height: sizes.card.height
width: sizes.container.width,
height: sizes.container.height
width: sizes.container.width,
height: sizes.container.height
TweenMax.set(sunburst.node, {transformOrigin:"50% 50%", x: sizes.container.width / 2, y: (sizes.card.height/2) + sizes.card.offset.top});
TweenMax.fromTo(sunburst.node, 20, {rotation: 0}, {rotation: 360, repeat: -1, ease: Power0.easeInOut})
// 馃崈 The leaf mask is for the leafs that float out of the
// container, it is full window height and starts on the left
// inline with the card
leafMask.attr({x: sizes.card.offset.left, y: 0, width: sizes.container.width - sizes.card.offset.left, height: sizes.container.height});
function drawCloud(cloud, i)
鈽侊笍 We want to create a shape thats loopable but that can also
be animated in and out. So we use Snap SVG to draw a shape
with 4 sections. The 2 ends and 2 arches the same width as
the card. So the final shape is about 4 x the width of the
var space = settings.cloudSpace * i;
var height = space + settings.cloudHeight;
var arch = height + settings.cloudArch + (Math.random() * settings.cloudArch);
var width = sizes.card.width;
var points = [];
points.push('M' + [-(width), 0].join(','));
points.push([width, 0].join(','));
points.push('Q' + [width * 2, height / 2].join(','));
points.push([width, height].join(','));
points.push('Q' + [width * 0.5, arch].join(','));
points.push([0, height].join(','));
points.push('Q' + [width * -0.5, arch].join(','));
points.push([-width, height].join(','));
points.push('Q' + [- (width * 2), height/2].join(','));
points.push([-(width), 0].join(','));
var path = points.join(' ');
if(!cloud.path) cloud.path = cloud.group.path();
d: path
}, 0)
function makeRain()
// 馃挧 This is where we draw one drop of rain
// first we set the line width of the line, we use this
// to dictate which svg group it'll be added to and
// whether it'll generate a splash
var lineWidth = Math.random() * 3;
// 鉀?line length is made longer for stormy weather
var lineLength = currentWeather.type == 'thunder' ? 35 : 14;
// Start the drop at a random point at the top but leaving
// a 20px margin
var x = Math.random() * (sizes.card.width - 40) + 20;
// Draw the line
var line = this['innerRainHolder' + (3 - Math.floor(lineWidth))].path('M0,0 0,' + lineLength).attr({
fill: 'none',
stroke: currentWeather.type == 'thunder' ? '#777' : '#0000ff',
strokeWidth: lineWidth
// add the line to an array to we can keep track of how
// many there are.
// Start the falling animation, calls onRainEnd when the
// animation finishes.
TweenMax.fromTo(line.node, 1, {x: x, y: 0- lineLength}, {delay: Math.random(), y: sizes.card.height, ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: onRainEnd, onCompleteParams: [line, lineWidth, x, currentWeather.type]});
function onRainEnd(line, width, x, type)
// first lets get rid of the drop of rain 馃挧
line = null;
// We also remove it from the array
for(var i in rain)
if(!rain[i].paper) rain.splice(i, 1);
// If there is less rain than the rainCount we should
// make more.
if(rain.length < settings.rainCount)
// 馃挦 If the line width was more than 2 we also create a
// splash. This way it looks like the closer (bigger)
// drops hit the the edge of the card
if(width > 2) makeSplash(x, type);
function makeSplash(x, type)
// 馃挦 The splash is a single line added to the outer svg.
// The splashLength is how long the animated line will be
var splashLength = type == 'thunder' ? 30 : 20;
// splashBounce is the max height the line will curve up
// before falling
var splashBounce = type == 'thunder' ? 120 : 100;
// this sets how far down the line can fall
var splashDistance = 80;
// because the storm rain is longer we want the animation
// to last slighly longer so the overall speed is roughly
// the same for both
var speed = type == 'thunder' ? 0.7 : 0.5;
// Set a random splash up amount based on the max splash bounce
var splashUp = 0 - (Math.random() * splashBounce);
// Sets the end x position, and in turn defines the splash direction
var randomX = ((Math.random() * splashDistance) - (splashDistance / 2));
// Now we put the 3 line coordinates into an array.
var points = [];
points.push('M' + 0 + ',' + 0);
points.push('Q' + randomX + ',' + splashUp);
points.push((randomX * 2) + ',' + splashDistance);
// Draw the line with Snap SVG
var splash = outerSplashHolder.path(points.join(' ')).attr({
fill: "none",
stroke: type == 'thunder' ? '#777' : '#0000ff',
strokeWidth: 1
// We animate the dasharray to have the line travel along the path
var pathLength = Snap.path.getTotalLength(splash);
var xOffset = sizes.card.offset.left;//(sizes.container.width - sizes.card.width) / 2
var yOffset = sizes.card.offset.top + sizes.card.height;
splash.node.style.strokeDasharray = splashLength + ' ' + pathLength;
// Start the splash animation, calling onSplashComplete when finished
TweenMax.fromTo(splash.node, speed, {strokeWidth: 2, y: yOffset, x: xOffset + 20 + x, opacity: 1, strokeDashoffset: splashLength}, {strokeWidth: 0, strokeDashoffset: - pathLength, opacity: 1, onComplete: onSplashComplete, onCompleteParams: [splash], ease: SlowMo.ease.config(0.4, 0.1, false)})
function onSplashComplete(splash)
// 馃挦 The splash has finished animating, we need to get rid of it
splash = null;
function makeLeaf()
var scale = 0.5 + (Math.random() * 0.5);
var newLeaf;
var areaY = sizes.card.height/2;
var y = areaY + (Math.random() * areaY);
var endY = y - ((Math.random() * (areaY * 2)) - areaY)
var x;
var endX;
var colors = ['#76993E', '#4A5E23', '#6D632F'];
var color = colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)];
var xBezier;
if(scale > 0.8)
newLeaf = leaf.clone().appendTo(outerLeafHolder)
fill: color
y = y + sizes.card.offset.top / 2;
endY = endY + sizes.card.offset.top / 2;
x = sizes.card.offset.left - 100;
xBezier = x + (sizes.container.width - sizes.card.offset.left) / 2;
endX = sizes.container.width + 50;
newLeaf = leaf.clone().appendTo(innerLeafHolder)
fill: color
x = -100;
xBezier = sizes.card.width / 2;
endX = sizes.card.width + 50;
var bezier = [{x:x, y:y}, {x: xBezier, y:(Math.random() * endY) + (endY / 3)}, {x: endX, y:endY}]
TweenMax.fromTo(newLeaf.node, 2, {rotation: Math.random()* 180, x: x, y: y, scale:scale}, {rotation: Math.random()* 360, bezier: bezier, onComplete: onLeafEnd, onCompleteParams: [newLeaf], ease: Power0.easeIn})
function onLeafEnd(leaf)
leaf = null;
for(var i in leafs)
if(!leafs[i].paper) leafs.splice(i, 1);
if(leafs.length < settings.leafCount)
function makeSnow()
var scale = 0.5 + (Math.random() * 0.5);
var newSnow;
var x = 20 + (Math.random(
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