验证标识 | 设置值 | 描述 |
t | 验证邮箱 | |
phone | t | 验证手机号 |
max | 16 | 长度不能大于设置值 |
min | 6 | 长度不能小于设置值 |
bank | t |
验证银行卡号 没有验证银行种类,本人太懒... |
only | 0,1,2,3,_ |
只能用设置值类型组成 0 = 汉字 1 = 字母 2 = 数字 3 = 空字符 |
must | 0,1,2,3,_ |
必须用设置值类型组成 同 only |
first_must | 1 |
首位必须是设置值类型 0 = 汉字 1 = 字母 2 = 数字 3 = 空字符 |
first_cannot | 1 |
首位不能是设置值类型 同 first_must |
number | t |
验证货币类型 自动转化成货币类型 保留2位小数 小数位可以通过属性 decimal_places 设置 |
idcard | t | 验证身份证 |
equally | id,class |
值必须一致 如果多元素则取第一个元素的值进行验证 |
date | t |
验证日期格式 例如:1996-05-21 = ture | 1996-02-30 = false |
cannot | on |
选择值不能是设置值 此验证针对于 select |
custom | t |
自定义验证方法 涉及很多,请看案例 |
var vali_prompt = { "Success": "Success", "email": "Please enter the correct email address", "phone": "Please enter the correct cell phone number", "max": "Can not exceed {0} characters", "min": "Not less than {0} characters", "bank": "Please enter the correct bank card number", "only": "Contain only", "must": "Must contain", "first_must": "The first must be:", "first_cannot": "The first cannot be:", "number": "Please enter a number", "idcard": "Please enter the correct ID number", "equally": "Must be the same", "cannot": "cannot is {0}", "date": "Please enter the correct date", "value0": "Chinese character",<