const passwordInput = document.querySelector(".pass-field input");
const eyeIcon = document.querySelector(".pass-field i");
const requirementList = document.querySelectorAll(".requirement-list li");
// An array of password requirements with corresponding
// regular expressions and index of the requirement list item
const requirements = [
{ regex: /.{8,}/, index: 0 }, // Minimum of 8 characters
{ regex: /[0-9]/, index: 1 }, // At least one number
{ regex: /[a-z]/, index: 2 }, // At least one lowercase letter
{ regex: /[^A-Za-z0-9]/, index: 3 }, // At least one special character
{ regex: /[A-Z]/, index: 4 }, // At least one uppercase letter
passwordInput.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => {
requirements.forEach(item => {
// Check if the password matches the requirement regex
const isValid = item.regex.test(e.target.value);
const requirementItem = requirementList[item.index];
// Updating class and icon of requirement item if requirement matched or not
if (isValid) {
requirementItem.firstElementChild.className = "fa-solid fa-check";
} else {
requirementItem.firstElementChild.className = "fa-solid fa-circle";
eyeIcon.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Toggle the password input type between "password" and "text"
passwordInput.type = passwordInput.type === "password" ? "text" : "password";
// Update the eye icon class based on the password input type
eyeIcon.className = `fa-solid fa-eye${passwordInput.type === "password" ? "" : "-slash"}`;
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