// selecting required element
const element = document.querySelector(".pagination ul");
let totalPages = 20;
let page = 10;
//calling function with passing parameters and adding inside element which is ul tag
element.innerHTML = createPagination(totalPages, page);
function createPagination(totalPages, page){
let liTag = '';
let active;
let beforePage = page - 1;
let afterPage = page + 1;
if(page > 1){ //show the next button if the page value is greater than 1
liTag += `<li class="btn prev" onclick="createPagination(totalPages, ${page - 1})"><span><i class="fas fa-angle-left"></i> 上一页</span></li>`;
if(page > 2){ //if page value is less than 2 then add 1 after the previous button
liTag += `<li class="first numb" onclick="createPagination(totalPages, 1)"><span>1</span></li>`;
if(page > 3){ //if page value is greater than 3 then add this (...) after the first li or page
liTag += `<li class="dots"><span>...</span></li>`;
// how many pages or li show before the current li
if (page == totalPages) {
beforePage = beforePage - 2;
} else if (page == totalPages - 1) {
beforePage = beforePage - 1;
// how many pages or li show after the current li
if (page == 1) {
afterPage = afterPage + 2;
} else if (page == 2) {
afterPage = afterPage + 1;
for (var plength = beforePage; plength <= afterPage; plength++) {
if (plength > totalPages) { //if plength is greater than totalPage length then continue
if (plength == 0) { //if plength is 0 than add +1 in plength value
plength = plength + 1;
if(page == plength){ //if page is equal to plength than assign active string in the active variable
active = "active";
}else{ //else leave empty to the active variable
active = "";
liTag += `<li class="numb ${active}" onclick="createPagination(totalPages, ${plength})"><span>${plength}</span></li>`;
if(page < totalPages - 1){ //if page value is less than totalPage value by -1 then show the last li or page
if(page < totalPages - 2){ //if page value is less than totalPage value by -2 then add this (...) before the last li or page
liTag += `<li class="dots"><span>...</span></li>`;
liTag += `<li class="last numb" onclick="createPagination(totalPages, ${totalPages})"><span>${totalPages}</span></li>`;
if (page < totalPages) { //show the next button if the page value is less than totalPage(20)
liTag += `<li class="btn next" onclick="createPagination(totalPages, ${page + 1})"><span>下一页 <i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i></span></li>`;
element.innerHTML = liTag; //add li tag inside ul tag
return liTag; //reurn the li tag
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