(function($) {
$.fn.dynamicDropdown = function(options) {
// Defining default settings for the plugin.
var settings = $.extend({
url: '',
key: '',
value: '',
}, options);
// if the target is not a select, exits.
if ( $(this)[0].tagName != 'SELECT' )
console.log('ERROR: Target is not a select object');
return false;
// if the target doesn't have the class form-control from bootstrap, then is added to the target.
if ( $(this)[0].className != 'form-control' ) {
// Create variable to reference 'this' object and use it later.
let this_obj = $(this);
// If the url was not defined or is empty, it raises an error and exits the execution.
if (!settings.url || settings.url == '') {
console.log('%c ERROR: Please provide an URL in the settings of the dropdown', 'background: red');
return false;
// AJAX call to the url provided in the plugin's settings.
$.getJSON(settings.url, function(result) {
if (settings.key != '' && settings.value == '') {
/* creates key object with the name of the parameter in the AJAX function above
concatenated with the value in settings.key. */
var key_obj = 'result.' + settings.key;
// for each key in result.{name of the key}...
// checks if the key is not an object, if true, it skips the object.
if(typeof eval(key_obj)[x] !== 'object')
// If settings.key is empty and settings.value is not empty...
} else if (settings.key == '' && settings.value != '') {
// For each key in result...
// append the keys at settings.value to this_obj, i.e the select object.
} else {
var key_obj = 'result.' + settings.key;
// If the call to the URL don't return a json object, it returns an error.
}).fail(function() {
console.log('%c ERROR: ' + 'Response data from ' + settings.url + ' is not a JSON object',
'background: red');