(function($) {
$.fn.linedtextarea = function(options) {
// Get the Options
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.linedtextarea.defaults, options);
* Helper function to make sure the line numbers are always
* kept up to the current system
var fillOutLines = function(codeLines, h, lineNo){
while ( (codeLines.height() - h ) <= 0 ){
if ( lineNo == opts.selectedLine )
codeLines.append("<div class='lineno lineselect'>" + lineNo + "</div>");
codeLines.append("<div class='lineno'>" + lineNo + "</div>");
return lineNo;
* Iterate through each of the elements are to be applied to
return this.each(function() {
var lineNo = 1;
var textarea = $(this);
/* Turn off the wrapping of as we don't want to screw up the line numbers */
textarea.attr("wrap", "off");
var originalTextAreaWidth = textarea.outerWidth();
/* Wrap the text area in the elements we need */
textarea.wrap("<div class='linedtextarea'></div>");
var linedTextAreaDiv = textarea.parent().wrap("<div class='linedwrap' style='width:" + originalTextAreaWidth + "px'></div>");
var linedWrapDiv = linedTextAreaDiv.parent();
linedWrapDiv.prepend("<div class='lines' style='width:50px'></div>");
var linesDiv = linedWrapDiv.find(".lines");
linesDiv.height( textarea.height() + 6 );
/* Draw the number bar; filling it out where necessary */
linesDiv.append( "<div class='codelines'></div>" );
var codeLinesDiv = linesDiv.find(".codelines");
lineNo = fillOutLines( codeLinesDiv, linesDiv.height(), 1 );
/* Move the textarea to the selected line */
if ( opts.selectedLine != -1 && !isNaN(opts.selectedLine) ){
var fontSize = parseInt( textarea.height() / (lineNo-2) );
var position = parseInt( fontSize * opts.selectedLine ) - (textarea.height()/2);
textarea[0].scrollTop = position;
/* Set the width */
var sidebarWidth = linesDiv.outerWidth();
var paddingHorizontal = parseInt( linedWrapDiv.css("border-left-width") ) + parseInt( linedWrapDiv.css("border-right-width") ) + parseInt( linedWrapDiv.css("padding-left") ) + parseInt( linedWrapDiv.css("padding-right") );
var linedWrapDivNewWidth = originalTextAreaWidth - paddingHorizontal;
var textareaNewWidth = originalTextAreaWidth - sidebarWidth - paddingHorizontal - 20;
textarea.width( textareaNewWidth );
linedWrapDiv.width( linedWrapDivNewWidth );
/* React to the scroll event */
textarea.scroll( function(tn){
var domTextArea = $(this)[0];
var scrollTop = domTextArea.scrollTop;
var clientHeight = domTextArea.clientHeight;
codeLinesDiv.css( {'margin-top': (-1*scrollTop) + "px"} );
lineNo = fillOutLines( codeLinesDiv, scrollTop + clientHeight, lineNo );
/* Should the textarea get resized outside of our control */
textarea.resize( function(tn){
var domTextArea = $(this)[0];
linesDiv.height( domTextArea.clientHeight + 6 );
// default options
$.fn.linedtextarea.defaults = {
selectedLine: -1,
selectedClass: 'lineselect'
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