let emulator;
function terminalEmulatorDOMReady() {
// initiate
emulator = new Emulator([
new Command(
new Input(
new Keystroke("init", "white", 0)
new Output([
new Line([
new Keystroke("各位前端大神 ", "white", 0),
new Keystroke("欢迎访问苦力吧,", "white", 0),
new Keystroke("感谢大家一直以来, ", "green", 0),
new Keystroke("对于我们的支持, ", "blue", 0),
new Keystroke("THS", "red", 0),
new Keystroke("!!! ", "yellow", 0)
]), new Line([
new Keystroke("I am ", "magenta", 0),
new Keystroke("noot-noot ", "cyan", 0)
), new Command(
new Input(
new Keystroke("ls", "magenta", 0)
new Output([
new Line([
new Keystroke("css", "blue", 1),
new Keystroke("index.html", "white", 1),
new Keystroke("less", "blue", 0)
]), new Line([
new Keystroke("node_modules", "blue", 1),
new Keystroke("package.json", "white", 1)
]), new Line([
new Keystroke("node_modules", "blue", 1),
new Keystroke("package.json", "white", 1)
]), new Line([
new Keystroke("node_modules", "blue", 1),
new Keystroke("package.json", "white", 1)
]), new Line([
new Keystroke("node_modules", "blue", 1),
new Keystroke("package.json", "white", 1)
]), new Line([
new Keystroke("node_modules", "blue", 1),
new Keystroke("package.json", "white", 1)
]), new Line([
new Keystroke("node_modules", "blue", 1),
new Keystroke("package.json", "white", 1)
]), new Line([
new Keystroke("website", "blue", 1),
new Keystroke("js", "blue", 0)
), new Command(
new Input(
new Keystroke("init", "white", 0)
new Output([
new Line([
new Keystroke("goo d ", "white", 0),
new Keystroke("morning ", "white", 0),
new Keystroke("fellow ", "green", 0),
new Keystroke("internet ", "blue", 0),
new Keystroke("user", "red", 0),
new Keystroke("!!! ", "yellow", 0)
]), new Line([
new Keystroke("I am ", "magenta", 0),
new Keystroke("noot-noot ", "cyan", 0)
], $("#emulator0"), "kuli8.com", "localhost", 160, 200);
// hide by default
$(".emulator-container .emulator").addClass("hidden");
$(".emulator-container .emulator.hidden .command-container")
return 0;
function terminalEmulatorPageloaded() {
// you have many options when deciding when to start emulation:
/* SCROLLING - once emulator-container is in view
note that this requires content to actually fill up more
than the window's height */
// $(window).scroll(emulatorBehaviour);
// DELAY - simply wait for a bit
setTimeout(emulatorBehaviour, 1500);
/* ANYTHING ELSE - obviously, you can use whatever you fancy.
if you're feeling particularly generous, you
could add some implementation here and submit a pull request! */
return 0;
// trigger handler example
function emulatorBehaviour() {
// emulator animations
$(".emulator-container .emulator.hidden").each(function () {
if (elementInView($(this).parent())) {
// helper function: determine whether a (DOM) Emulator is in view
function elementInView(elem) {
const docViewTop = $(window).scrollTop(); // distance to top of doc
const docViewBottom = docViewTop + $(window).height();
const elemTop = $(elem).offset().top; // distance to top of doc
const elemHeight = $(elem).height();
return docViewTop <= elemTop && docViewBottom >= elemTop + elemHeight;
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