// Some Variables
var genButton = document.getElementById("gen"), // Generate button
clear = document.getElementById("clear"), // Clear button
output = document.getElementById("randomNum"), // Output space
copy = document.getElementById("copy"), // Copy to Clipboard Button
copyCheck = document.getElementById("copyCheck"); // copy check
// Get Random Number Function && make it the background of the body xD
function getRandomNum() {
"use strict";
output.value = "#" + Math.floor((1e+5) + Math.random() * (9e+5)); // get random 6-digits number
var bgClr = output.value;
document.getElementById("preview").style.backgroundColor = bgClr; // set body bgColor to that random number
// Clear Random Number Function + make background of the body as default
function clearNum() {
"use strict";
output.value = ""; // clear output space
document.getElementById("preview").style.backgroundColor = "#F1A9A0"; // make bgColor of the body as default
// Copy the color code to the clipboard by clicking on "Copy" Button
function copyToClipBoard() {
"use strict";
document.execCommand("copy", false, output.select());
copyCheck.style.right = "20px";
showCheck = setTimeout(function() {
copyCheck.style.right = "-200px";
}, 3000);
// Adding EventListener to the buttons
genButton.addEventListener("click", getRandomNum); // Generate Button
clear.addEventListener("click", clearNum); // Clear Button
copy.addEventListener("click", copyToClipBoard);
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