const normalize = (va, mi, ma) => (va - mi) / (ma - mi),
interpolate = (no, mi, ma) => mi + (ma - mi) * no,
map = (va, mi1, ma1, mi2, ma2) => interpolate(normalize(va, mi1, ma1), mi2, ma2),
viewer = document.getElementById("viewer"),
paper = document.getElementById("paper"),
glass = document.getElementById("glass"),
offset = 50, // dragging calculated with an edge to make it feel more comfortable
smoothFactor = .28, // x and y are not directly set, but with a tendency towards that target (tx, ty)
STATUS_IDLE = 1, // idle
STATUS_DRAG = 2, // dragging
STATUS_FADE = 3; // post dragging
let glassPos = { x: 0, y: 0, tx: 0, ty: 0 },
glassBackPos = { x: 0, y: 0, tx: 0, ty: 0 },
paperPos = { x: 0, y: 0, tx: 0, ty: 0 },
status = STATUS_IDLE;
const touchstart = (e) => {
if (status === STATUS_DRAG) return;
status = STATUS_DRAG;
if (!glass.classList.contains("active")) glass.classList.add("active");
const touchmove = (e) => {
if (status !== STATUS_DRAG) return;
const cx = e.type == 'touchmove' ? e.touches[0].clientX : e.clientX,
cy = e.type == 'touchmove' ? e.touches[0].clientY : e.clientY,
rect = viewer.getBoundingClientRect(),
x = Math.min(viewer.clientWidth - offset, Math.max(offset, Math.min(viewer.clientWidth, cx - rect.left))),
y = Math.min(viewer.clientHeight - offset, Math.max(offset, Math.min(viewer.clientHeight, cy - rect.top))),
normX = normalize(x, offset, viewer.clientWidth - offset),
normY = normalize(y, offset, viewer.clientHeight - offset),
diffX = paper.clientWidth - viewer.clientWidth,
diffY = paper.clientHeight - viewer.clientHeight;
glassPos.tx = interpolate(normX, 0, viewer.clientWidth - glass.clientWidth);
glassPos.ty =interpolate(normY, 0, viewer.clientHeight - glass.clientHeight);
paperPos.tx = interpolate(normX, 0, diffX);
paperPos.ty =interpolate(normY, 0, diffY);
glassBackPos.tx = interpolate(normX, 0, 100);
glassBackPos.ty = interpolate(normY, 0, 100);
const touchend = () => {
if (status !== STATUS_DRAG) return;
status = STATUS_FADE;
if (glass.classList.contains("active")) glass.classList.remove("active");
// console.log("touchend");
const magnify = (() => {})();
viewer.addEventListener("touchstart", touchstart);
viewer.addEventListener("touchmove", touchmove);
viewer.addEventListener("touchend", touchend);
viewer.addEventListener("touchcancel", touchend);
viewer.addEventListener("mousedown", touchstart);
viewer.addEventListener("mousemove", touchmove);
viewer.addEventListener("mouseup", touchend);
(function tick() {
// repeat
// nothing on idle
if (status === STATUS_IDLE) return;
// return to idle when smoothing out is at its end
if (status === STATUS_FADE && Math.abs(glassPos.tx - glassPos.x) < 0.2) status = STATUS_IDLE; // smooth motion towards targets paperPos.x += smoothFactor * (paperPos.tx - paperPos.x); paperPos.y += smoothFactor * (paperPos.ty - paperPos.y); glassPos.x += smoothFactor * (glassPos.tx - glassPos.x); glassPos.y += smoothFactor * (glassPos.ty - glassPos.y); glassBackPos.x += smoothFactor * (glassBackPos.tx - glassBackPos.x); glassBackPos.y += smoothFactor * (glassBackPos.ty - glassBackPos.y); // transformations paper.style.transform = `translate(${-paperPos.x}px, ${-paperPos.y}px)`; glass.style.transform = `translate(${glassPos.x}px, ${glassPos.y}px)`; glass.style.backgroundPosition = `${glassBackPos.x}% ${glassBackPos.y}%`; })();
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