import $ from 'jquery';
const DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = (1.1).toLocaleString().match(/\d(.*?)\d/)[1];
const DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_REGEX = new RegExp('\\' + regexEscape(DECIMAL_SEPARATOR), 'g');
function regexEscape(str) {
return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g, '\\$&');
const isSupported = (() => {
let mem = null;
return () => {
if (mem === null) {
const input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'number';
input.value = '1';
mem = input.valueAsNumber === 1;
return mem;
function cleanupInput(input, decimal, negative) {
const value = input.value;
let strippedValue = '',
hasDecimal = false,
selectionStart, selectionEnd;
if (input.type !== 'number') {
selectionStart = input.selectionStart;
selectionEnd = input.selectionEnd;
/*const rgx = new RegExp((negative ? '[-+]?' : '[+]?') + '(?:[0-9]+(?:' +
(decimal ? regexEscape(decimal) : '') + '[0-9]*)?|' +
(decimal ? regexEscape(decimal) : '') + '[0-9]*)', '');*/
let i = 0, c;
for (; i < value.length; i++) {
c = value.charAt(i);
if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (negative && c === '-' && !strippedValue.length)) {
strippedValue += c;
} else if (decimal && value.substr(i, decimal.length) === decimal && !hasDecimal) {
hasDecimal = true;
strippedValue += decimal;
i += decimal.length - 1;
} else {
if (i <= selectionStart) {
if (i <= selectionEnd) {
if (value !== strippedValue) {
input.value = strippedValue;
if (input.type !== 'number') {
input.selectionStart = selectionStart;
input.selectionEnd = selectionEnd;
return true;
return false;
/** @expose */
$.fn.numeric = function (config) {
this.each(function (index, item) {
const isInput = item.tagName === 'INPUT';
let attr;
//if (isInput && item.type === 'number' && 'valueAsNumber' in item) return;
if (typeof config === 'boolean') {
config = {/** @expose */ decimal: config};
config = config || {};
if (typeof config.negative === 'undefined') {
// If the min attribute does not allow negatives, then disable the negative feature
/** @expose */ config.negative = isInput ? (item.getAttribute('min') ? parseFloat(item.getAttribute('min')) < 0 : true) : true;
let decimal = (config.decimal === false)
? ''
: ((typeof config.decimal === 'string' && config.decimal) ? config.decimal : DECIMAL_SEPARATOR);
const negative = !!config.negative;
// If we're going to use the real 'valueAsNumber', force using the native decimal separator
if (decimal && this.tagName === 'INPUT' && this.type === 'number' && 'valueAsNumber' in this && isSupported()) {
// If the step attribute does not allow decimals
if (typeof config.decimal === 'undefined' && isInput) {
attr = item.getAttribute('step');
if (attr && attr !== 'any' && attr.indexOf('.') === -1) {
decimal = '';
return $(item)
.data('numeric.decimal', decimal)
.data('numeric.negative', negative)
.on('keypress.numericValue', $.fn.numeric._event)
.on('keyup.numericValue', $.fn.numeric._event)
.on('blur.numericValue', $.fn.numeric._event)
.on('input.numericValue', $.fn.numeric._event);
return this;
/** @expose */
$.fn.valueAsNumber = function () {
if (!this.length) return null;
const args = arguments;
if (args.length) {
return this.each(function () {
if (this.tagName === 'INPUT' && this.type === 'number' && 'valueAsNumber' in this && isSupported()) {
let val = args[0];
if (val === undefined)
this.value = ''; // Compatibility with IE11
else this.valueAsNumber = val;
} else {
this.value = (args[0] === null || args[0] === undefined)
? ''
: args[0].toString().replace(/\./, $.data(this, 'numeric.decimal') || DECIMAL_SEPARATOR);
} else {
if (this[0].tagName === 'INPUT' && this[0].type === 'number' && 'valueAsNumber' in this[0] && isSupported()) {
return this[0].valueAsNumber;
} else {
let decimal = this.data('numeric.decimal');
if (decimal) {
decimal = new RegExp(regexEscape(decimal), 'g');
} else {
return this[0].value === '' ? null : parseFloat(this[0].value.replace(decimal, '.'));
$.fn.numeric._event = function (e) {
const decimal = $.data(this, 'numeric.decimal'),
negative = $.data(this, 'numeric.negative');
cleanupInput(this, decimal, negative);
/** @expose */
$.fn.removeNumeric = function () {
return this
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