$(document).ready(function () {
// Init the consoles
let con1 = $(".console1").console({ msgDirection: "up" });
let con2 = $(".console2").console({ history: 15 });
let con3 = $(".console3").console({ msgDirection: "up", showTimestamp: false, timeout: 3000 });
let con4 = $(".console4").console({ tagOddEven: true, timestampOnLeft: true });
// Sample messages to show off the different log levels
let long_txt = "This is very long alert message. This is very long alert message. This is very long alert message. "
+ "This is very long alert message. This is very long alert message. This is very long alert message. "
+ "This is very long alert message. This is very long alert message. This is very long alert message.";
let msgs = [
{ txt: "This is a debug message.", level: 7 },
{ txt: "This is an info message.", level: 6 },
{ txt: "This is a notice message.", level: 5 },
{ txt: "This is a warning message.", level: "warning" }, // can use choose using str or int
{ txt: "This is an error message.", level: 3 },
{ txt: "This is a critical message.", level: 2 },
{ txt: "This is an alert message.", level: 1 },
{ txt: "This is an emergency message.", level: 0 },
{ txt: "This is a default message." }, // no level needs to be provided
{ txt: long_txt, level: 1 }
// Generator implementation of writing a message every second from the message array
function* get_message() {
let index = 0;
while (true) {
let msg = msgs[index];
index = (index + 1) % msgs.length; // inc index but cycle back to the start if at the end of the list
yield msg;
let msg_generator = get_message();
function writeMessage() {
let msg = msg_generator.next().value;
if ("level" in msg) {
con1.log(msg["txt"], msg["level"]);
con2.log(msg["txt"], msg["level"]);
con3.log(msg["txt"], msg["level"]);
con4.log(msg["txt"], msg["level"]);
else {
let tid = setInterval(writeMessage, 500);
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