var myMenu = [{
// Menu Icon.
// This example uses Font Awesome Iconic Font.
icon: 'fa fa-home',
// Menu Label
label: '首页',
// Callback
action: function(option, contextMenuIndex, optionIndex) {},
// An array of submenu objects
submenu: null,
// is disabled?
disabled: false //Disabled status of the option
icon: 'fa fa-user',
label: '个人',
action: function(option, contextMenuIndex, optionIndex) {},
submenu: null,
disabled: false
icon: 'fa fa-envelope',
label: '联系',
action: function(option, contextMenuIndex, optionIndex) {},
submenu: null,
disabled: false
//Menu separator
separator: true
icon: 'fa fa-share',
label: '分享',
action: function(option, contextMenuIndex, optionIndex) {},
submenu: [{ // sub menus
icon: 'fa fa-facebook',
label: 'Facebook',
action: function(option, contextMenuIndex, optionIndex) {},
submenu: null,
disabled: false
icon: 'fa fa-twitter',
label: 'Twitter',
action: function(option, contextMenuIndex, optionIndex) {},
submenu: null,
disabled: false
icon: 'fa fa-google-plus',
label: 'Google Plus',
action: function(option, contextMenuIndex, optionIndex) {},
submenu: null,
disabled: false
disabled: false
$('.demo').on('contextmenu', function(e) {
superCm.createMenu(myMenu, e);
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