// OBJECT: 'retype' controls the deletion and creation of new words
var retype = {
// ARRAY: 'retypePhrases' contains the words that will be switched
// The tool replaces the word contained within the element with the ID of 'retype'
// It works cleaner if neighboring words have different first letters.
// Spaces in phrases can cause a hiccup. Best practice to keep phrases as single words.
retypePhrases: [
index : -1,
elem : document.getElementById('retype'),
start : function(){
var _this = this;
setTimeout( function(){
}, 3000 ); // Delay the start of a new word by 3 seconds
},// END retype.start()
deleteRepeat: function(){
},// END retype.deleteRepeat()
deleteLetter: function(){
var newWord = this.elem.innerHTML;
if( newWord.length > 0 ){
newWord = newWord.substring(0, newWord.length - 1);
var _this = this;
setTimeout( function(){
_this.elem.innerHTML = newWord;
}, 75 );
}// END if( newWord.length > 0 )
},// END retype.deleteLetter()
newRepeat : function(){
},// END retype.newRepeat()
newLetter : function(){
var newWord = this.elem.innerHTML;
if( newWord.length === 0 ){
if( this.index >= this.retypePhrases.length ){
this.index = 0;
}// END if( newWord.length === 0 )
var newLetters = this.retypePhrases[ this.index ];
if( newLetters.length > newWord.length ){
newLetters = newLetters.substring(0, ( newWord.length + 1 ) );
var _this = this;
// Add a slight random variation in retype time to make the letter typing seem more 'human'
var time = Math.round( Math.random() * 100 ) + 100;
setTimeout( function(){
_this.elem.innerHTML = newLetters;
}, time );
// Yep, this makes the retype an infinite loop
}// END if( newLetters.length > newWord.length )
}// END retype.newLetter()
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