
Bootstrap includes several predefined button styles,each serving its own semantic purpose,with a few extras thrown in for more control.

Outline Buttons

In need of a button,but not the hefty background colors they bring? Replace the default modifier classes with the .btn-outline-*ones to remove all background images and colors on any button.


Fancy larger or smaller buttons? Add .btn-lgor .btn-smfor additional sizes.

Block buttons

Create responsive stacks of full-width,“block buttons” like those in Bootstrap 4 with a mix of our display and gap utilities. By using utilities instead of button specific classes,we have much greater control over spacing,alignment,and responsive behaviors.

Disabled state

Make buttons look inactive by adding the disabledboolean attribute to any <button>element. Disabled buttons have pointer-events:noneapplied to,preventing hover and active states from triggering.

Button group

Wrap a series of buttons with .btnin .btn-group.

Outlined styles
Button toolbar

Combine sets of button groups into button toolbars for more complex components. Use utility classes as needed to space out groups,buttons,and more.


Place a .btn-groupwithin another .btn-groupwhen you want dropdown menus mixed with a series of buttons.

Vertical variation

Make a set of buttons appear vertically stacked rather than horizontally. Split button dropdowns are not supported here.