/* Simple Timer. The countdown to 20:30 2035.05.09 */ $("#simple-timer").syotimer({ date: new Date(2035, 4, 9, 20, 30), });
/* Timer with Head and Foot. Countdown is over */ $("#expired-timer").syotimer({ date: new Date(1990, 0), headTitle: "<h3>Timer with header and footer. Countdown is over</h3>", footTitle: '<i style="color: brown;">Footer of timer.</i>', });
/* Callback after the end of the countdown timer */ $("#expired-timer_event").syotimer({ date: new Date(2000, 11, 31), headTitle: "<h3>Timer with header and footer. Countdown is over</h3>", footTitle: '<i style="color: brown;">Footer of timer.</i>', afterDeadline: function (syotimer) { syotimer.bodyBlock.html( "<p>The countdown is finished 00:00 2000.12.31</p>" ); syotimer.headBlock.html( "<h3>Callback after the end of the countdown timer</h3>" ); syotimer.footBlock.html( '<em style="color:brown;">' + "Footer of timer after countdown is finished" + "</em>" ); }, });
/* Periodic Timer. Period is equal 3 minutes. Effect of fading in */ $("#periodic-timer_period_minutes").syotimer({ date: new Date(2015, 0, 1), layout: "hms", doubleNumbers: false, effectType: "opacity", periodUnit: "m", periodic: true, periodInterval: 3, });
The date equal 20:00 2015.01.01
/* Periodic Timer. Period is equal 10 days */ $("#periodic-timer_period_days").syotimer({ date: new Date(2015, 0, 1, 20), layout: "hms", periodic: true, periodInterval: 10, periodUnit: "d", });
Demonstrate layout. Period is equal 2 hours.
/* Demonstrate layout. Period is equal 2 hours. Display only seconds */ $("#layout-timer_only-seconds").syotimer({ layout: "s", periodic: true, periodInterval: 2, periodUnit: "h", });
Demonstrate layout. Period is equal 2 days and 5 hours.
/* Demonstrate layout. Period is equal 2 days and 5 hours. Units of countdown in reverse order */ $("#layout-timer_reversed-units").syotimer({ layout: "smhd", effectType: "opacity", periodic: true, periodInterval: 53, periodUnit: "h", });
Demonstrate layout. Period is equal 1 days, 5 hours and 37 minutes.
/* Demonstrate layout. Period is equal 2 days and 5 hours. Display only days and minutes in reverse order */ $("#layout-timer_mixed-units").syotimer({ layout: "md", periodic: true, periodInterval: 1777, periodUnit: "m", });
The deadline is 18:00:00 by the time Rome, Italy (UTC+2)
/* Periodic Timer. Countdown timer with given time zone */ $("#periodic-timer_timezone_given").syotimer({ date: new Date("2000-07-01T18:00:00.000+02:00"), layout: "hms", periodic: true, periodInterval: 1, periodUnit: "d", });
/** * Periodic Timer. * Change options: doubleNumbers, effect type, language */ var EFFECT_TYPES = ["opacity", "none"]; var LANGUAGES = ["eng", "rus", "heb"]; var changeOptionsTimer = $("#periodic-timer_change-options"); var changeOptionsEffectType = $("#change_options__effect-type"); var changeOptionsDoubleNumbers = $("#change_options__double-numbers"); var changeOptionsLang = $("#change_options__lang"); changeOptionsTimer.syotimer({ periodic: true, periodInterval: 10, periodUnit: "d", headTitle: "<div>Effect type: " + '<span class="option option_type_effect-type">none</span>' + "</div>" + "<div>Use double numbers: " + '<span class="option option_type_double-numbers">true</span>' + "</div>" + "<div>Language: " + '<span class="option option_type_language">eng</span>' + "</div>", }); /** * Getting a next of current index of array by circle * @param array * @param currentIndex * @returns {*} */ function getNextIndex(array, currentIndex) { return currentIndex === array.length - 1 ? 0 : currentIndex + 1; } /** * Update values in header title of timer `#periodic-timer_change-options` */ function updateOptionTitles() { var effectIndex = parseInt(changeOptionsEffectType.data("index")); var doubleNumberIndex = parseInt(changeOptionsDoubleNumbers.data("index")); var languageIndex = parseInt(changeOptionsLang.data("index")); var blocks = changeOptionsTimer.data("syotimer-blocks"); blocks.headBlock .find(".option_type_effect-type") .html(EFFECT_TYPES[effectIndex]); blocks.headBlock .find(".option_type_double-numbers") .html(doubleNumberIndex ? "true" : "false"); blocks.headBlock .find(".option_type_language") .html(LANGUAGES[languageIndex]); } changeOptionsEffectType.on("click", function () { var button = $(this); var effectIndex = parseInt(button.data("index")); var nextEffectIndex = getNextIndex(EFFECT_TYPES, effectIndex); button.data("index", nextEffectIndex); changeOptionsTimer.syotimer( "setOption", "effectType", EFFECT_TYPES[nextEffectIndex] ); updateOptionTitles(); }); changeOptionsDoubleNumbers.on("click", function () { var button = $(this); var index = parseInt(button.data("index")); var useDoubleNumbers = Math.abs(index - 1); button.data("index", useDoubleNumbers); changeOptionsTimer.syotimer( "setOption", "doubleNumbers", useDoubleNumbers === 1 ); updateOptionTitles(); }); changeOptionsLang.on("click", function () { var button = $(this); var langIndex = parseInt(button.data("index")); var nextLangIndex = getNextIndex(LANGUAGES, langIndex); button.data("index", nextLangIndex); changeOptionsTimer.syotimer("setOption", "lang", LANGUAGES[nextLangIndex]); updateOptionTitles(); });
Demonstrate adding the new language of signatures.
Nenglish is a synthetic language. It is very similar to English but there are significant differences in the spelling of nouns after numerals. Namely, the difference in the suffixes of these nouns:
- if the number ends with the digit
then to the noun added the suffix "one" (21 secondone, 1 minuteone, ...);- if the number ends with the digit
then the suffix is equal "five" (35 hourfive, 5 secondfive);- otherwise the suffix is equal to "s" (24 minutes, 3 days).
/** * Localization in timer. * Add new language */ // Adding of a words for signatures of countdown $.syotimerLang.neng = { second: ["secondone", "secondfive", "seconds"], minute: ["minuteone", "minutefive", "minutes"], hour: ["hourone", "hourfive", "hours"], day: ["dayone", "dayfive", "days"], // Adding of the handler that selects an index from the list of words // based on ahead the going number handler: function nengNumeral(number, words) { var lastDigit = number % 10; var index = 2; if (lastDigit === 1) { index = 0; } else if (lastDigit === 5) { index = 1; } return words[index]; }, }; $("#periodic-timer_localization_new-english").syotimer({ lang: "neng", layout: "ms", periodic: true, periodInterval: 6, periodUnit: "m", });