var features = [
'Flexible and fully customizable',
'Responsive — has desktop, tablet and mobile design',
'Add, remove and view calendar events',
'Events and methods that lets you think outside the box :)',
'Does "modern-looking" counts? Then I'm in!'
]; // and more features to come...
Simple themes for a very simple plugin. You can choose what suits to your project or find inspiration to customize it just the way you like!

// It's the default theme :)

theme: 'Midnight Blue'

theme: 'Royal Navy'

theme: 'Orange Coral'
Let me customize a theme for you. Click here!
evocalendar in action!
let the coding begins!
// Set up your HTML markup
<div id="calendar"></div>
// Add evo-calendar.css (default theme included) in the <head> tag
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/evo-calendar.css"/>
// Themes? Add them right after the main css
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/evo-calendar.midnight-blue.css"/>
// Add evo-calendar.js before your closing <body> tag, right after jQuery (required)
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/evo-calendar.js"></script>
// Initialize evo-calendar in your script file or an inline <script> tag
$(document).ready(function() {
settingName: settingValue
basic html complete look:
<title>My Evo Calendar</title>
// evo-calendar.css, followed by [theme-name].css (optional)
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/evo-calendar.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/evo-calendar.midnight-blue.css"/>
// this is where your calendar goes.. :)
<div id="calendar"></div>
// evo-calendar.js, right after jQuery (required)
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/evo-calendar.js"></script>
// initialize your calendar, once the page's DOM is ready
$(document).ready(function() {
settingName: settingValue
settings | type | default | description | options |
theme | string | Default | Define calendar's theme | Default, Midnight Blue, Orange Coral, Royal Navy |
language | string | 'en' | Calendar's language | en, es, de, pt |
format | string | 'mm/dd/yyyy' | Date format | Date string format |
titleFormat | string | 'MM yyyy' | Date format for calendar title | Date string format |
eventHeaderFormat | string | 'MM d, yyyy' | Date format for calendar event's title | Date string format |
firstDayOfWeek | number | 0 | Displayed first day of the week | 0 (Sunday) - 6 (Saturday) |
todayHighlight | boolean | false | Highlight today's date in calendar | true, false |
sidebarDisplayDefault | boolean | true | Set default visibility of sidebar | true, false |
sidebarToggler | boolean | true | Display the button for toggling the sidebar | true, false |
eventDisplayDefault | boolean | true | Set default visibility of event lists | true, false |
eventListToggler | boolean | true | Display the button for toggling the event lists | true, false |
calendarEvents | array | null | Defined events for calendar to show | Array of events |
settings example
// calendarEvents
todayHighlight: true,
calendarEvents: [
id: "4hducye", // Event's id (required, for removing event)
name: "Today's Event", // Name of event
description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", // Description of event (optional)
date: new Date(), // Date of event
type: "holiday", // Type of event (event|holiday|birthday)
color: "#63d867" // Event custom color (optional)
everyYear: true // Event is every year (optional)
method | argument | description |
setTheme | string | Set/Change theme |
toggleSidebar | boolean (optional) | Toggle sidebar display |
toggleEventList | boolean (optional) | Toggle event list display |
getActiveDate | none | Get the selected date |
getActiveEvents | none | Get the event(s) of selected date |
selectYear | number | Select year programmatically |
selectMonth | number (0-11) | Select month programmatically |
selectDate | string | Select date programmatically |
addCalendarEvent | array/object | Add Calendar event(s) |
removeCalendarEvent | array/string | Remove event(s) by their id |
destroy | none | Well.. destroy the calendar |
methods example
// loading...
events | argument | description |
selectDate | newDate, oldDate | Fires after selecting date |
selectEvent | activeEvent | Fires after selecting event |
selectMonth | activeMonth, monthIndex | Fires after selecting month |
selectYear | activeYear | Fires after changing year |
destroy | calendar | Fires after destroying calendar |
events example
// loading...