You here?
hey there
leaving in a bit though
mind if we do 12:30 instead of 12:00 tomorrow?
that should be fine
2nd thing: I'm going to have some things for you on the Bigger Stake In The Company conversation.
If you don't mind, I think I'm going to type these up & send them to you for your perusal, rather than putting you on the spot at a lunch. That way you'll have time to digest, discuss & react.
I might need a few more days than expected, though: I am shooting for 7/31, but we're now in that Everyone You Need Is Out On Their Boat part of the year. I'll know more on Monday.
Is that ok?
so this is something i'd get tomorrow and discuss later? Sorry, can't tell which point in time is which.
I'm also heading out shortly btw.
no, sorry - I'm still putting everything together, and had hoped to have something to give you next week, but I'm waiting for a guy who I think is now away, (Or at least not returning calls, which is odd since I met with him last Tuesday.)
I'd like to get you something as soon as possibe, and then we can talk about it whenever you've had a chance to think about it.
Ok, I'm preparing thoughts and ideas over here, also with the 31st in mind